WELCOME BACK NAVIGATORS! I'm short on words this evening and so are the planets (as I explain in more depth below under the QUEEN OF PENTACLES the card I pulled for this Taurus New Moon) so...read on!


Weedeater, the documentary film about Nance Klehm that my friends Eden Batki, Amy Von Harrington (yes the very same AVH who makes the tarot deck I pull from each new moon) and I made will be screening in NYC on May 7th at the Museum of Art & Design.  If you are in NYC come see and be inspired, as we have been, by Klehm's life, work and philosophy (which is actually one thing).  

A Tarotscopes horoscope is now located on the back of the menu at Dimes in NYC !  It will change monthly so consider making a monthly pit stop for food and fortunes.

As always, please don't hesitate to contact me for an appointment if you have any burning questions, spiritual, metaphysical or metaphorical knots to untangle.  


new moon in the sign of the bull, no more pull of the wool, getting full, push and pull, nothings dull, void and null, jonathan livingston seagull, grand trine in earth, new birth, laugh with mirth, for what its worth, mercury retrograde, words fade, waters to wade, finding some shade, fridges to raid, plans you've made, the past parades, good grades, stars above, fits like a glove, love, love, love,


Without further ado! The card for the NEW MOON, pulled from Amy von Harrington’s dec


“Magic happens when you aren’t looking,” my cousin’s four year old son Peter told an audience of adults who nodded with one ear but whose gazes were fixed on other distractions.  He had pulled apart a magnetic puzzle and was fumbling with the pieces, attempting to reassemble it back into a ball.  As we approach the New Moon in Taurus (exact mid-day tomorrow (05/06/16) on the west coast), several planets of prominence are retrograde echoing Peter’s pronouncement- a lot will be happening while we aren’t looking.  

When planets go retrograde they tend to be experienced more acutely on internal levels- emotionally, psychologically, spiritually.  Additionally the element of air is currently unoccupied, all the planets are busy wrestling with earth, water and fire.  Things like rational thought and straightforward communication can be, not only challenging, but unproductive.  This current astrological weather may be best navigated with the senses.  And what comes to you passively may have greater significance for the time being than anything you hunt down or tackle.  

This brings me to the card I pulled for this new moon, the Queen of Pentacles.  The Queen of Pentacles combines the elements of water and earth and carries with it messages of fertility and production.  It should be noted however that unlike more action-oriented cards, the Queen of Pentacles is passively productive.  In many ways this card reflects the earth itself which produces an abundance of life just by being itself.

As I was considering this new earth Moon and the corresponding card, I was reminded of John Francis, the environmentalist known as the “Planetwalker” who earned this nickname after he gave up motorized transportation for 22 years and went everywhere by foot.  During this time he also took a vow of silence which lasted 17 years.  The power of Francis’ story is largely contained in what he didn’t do.  This message I think is extremely important and timely both astrologically and environmentally.  In a 2005 interview, Francis, discussing his 17 year silence said, “Silence is not just not talking.  It’s a void.  It’s a place where all things come from.  All voices, all creation comes out of silence.  When you’re standing on the edge of silence, you hear things you’ve never heard before, and you hear things in ways you’ve never heard them before.”  So here we are in the midst of a sort of void, a silence.  I won’t cloud you with many more words.  Instead I leave you with a long blank space for listening and passive receptivity


(Big Yellow Taxi- Joni Mitchell)