TAROTSCOPES for the week of 01/28/15


Welcome to another week!  February is fast approaching and so is a full moon on the 3rd in the sign of Leo.  I will discuss this moon more next week, but full moons always ask us to examine what we would like to release or what challenges we are currently facing which we would like to overcome.  Using the energy of the Full Moon can help you tackle those obstacles.  More specifically, the Leo Full Moon asks, "What is blocking your shine or preventing you from fully embodying yourself?"  Have you been consistently setting aside creative projects for compensatory work or to please others? The Full Moon may assist you in clearing those obstructions.  Beyond the moon there are other pressing astrological transits I will discuss under the card for the week, the 3 of Cups!


Come find me on top of the Ace Hotel Downtown Los Angeles on St. Valentine's Day for RUMOURS!  I will be reading cards for couples and those who have coupled with themselves. 

ANNOUNCING the release of a NEW PRODUCT!!  I'm so excited to bring you UMBRELLAS!  May they shelter you from the sun and rain as they simultaneously remind you: YOU ALREADY ARE.  See the "Readings + Spells + Magic" section to order yours today! (Note:  Last week due to technical difficulties on this end you may have had trouble ordering an umbrella, please try again as the problem should now be resolved.  Thank you for your patience!  Mercury Retrograde here we go!)

Gift Certificates for readings and/ or Tarotscopes Subscriptions available!  Click on the "Readings + Spells + Magic" tab or email me for more information. 

Reading prices have changed in the New Year.  Please see the Readings + Spells + Magic section for details and feel free to email me if you have any questions.  Thank you!


stepping on a wound, full moon, typhoon, song of the loon, silver spoon, changes soon, new tune, planets in the sign of the fishes, making wishes, dirty dishes, don't be vicious, basketball hoop swishes, feeling feelings, cathedral ceilings, uncertain dealings, time for healing, news reeling,  hearts stealing, skin peeling, finding peace, on life a new lease, flock of geese, fires cease, favorite niece, house keys, skinned knees, thank you please, rock dove, stars above, truck loads of love,


Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all, for all the week (individual cards for the zodiac signs are pulled from the MOTHERPEACE deck):


While most retrogrades indicate a time of internal investigation, this Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius, the sign of friends, groups and associations, may emphasize instead interactions between people and  in turn the internal ramifications of those associations.  Besides the Mercury Retrograde, this week Chiron and Mars meet in Pisces, a configuration which happens only once every two years.  Pisces is the sign which represents the spiritual connection between people, a sort of wordless communication that exists when people come together with a mutual affinity or understanding.  The unfortunate potential of this meeting is that Mars, warrior planet of action, has a tendency to poke rather hastily at an already sensitive area.  In this case, the sensitivity may be around where you feel different from others, where your beliefs separate you from the herd.  The challenge will be to hear what everyone has to say without judgement, without attempting to distance yourself from an unpopular idea in order to avoid alienation yourself.  It may be important to note during this transit the place to find common ground may be in our differences, in the places where we feel alienated.   
The 3 of Cups depicts a good time shared.  With Chiron playing an important roll this week we may not begin in the place indicated by the 3 of Cups, but we can set our course and have this as our destination.  My neighbor-friend once told me, and I’ve come back to it again and again, that when we are confronted with conflict it is easy to assume that what we want is inherently at odds with others desires.  But it is important to step back and consider that what you want could ultimately be beneficial to all parties involved.  The 3 of Cups is an attainable goal, but there may be some muck to wade through on the way there.  Part of finding a resolution may start by yourself what you really want.  While a desire may seem simple enough at first, like craving an ice cream cone, it may actually point to something more significant and it is that larger desire which is held more easily within the fabric of a group of friends, a community, or the world at large.  Humans have long been following their short-sighted desires at the expense of many other living things.  We’ve hunted animals to extinction because we were hungry or wanted their, feathers, furs, tusks or teeth.  If we had asked the question: what do we really want? we might have found a way to attain those things without sacrificing an entire species.  A friend of mine who is a professional mediator, once told me that people often assume that what she does as a mediator is to divide things down the middle and throw a half to each party.  In fact, she told me, usually what each party wants is something different and the division is more about giving everyone exactly what they want.  One party may desire the fruit and the other the peel.
(Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off- Billie Holiday and watch the Fred and Ginger version!)


This week begins a new two year cycle around healing as Mars (warrior planet of action) and Chiron (planet of wounds and healing) meet in Pisces.  As I was meditating on the things Chiron represents (wounds and healing) I thought about a wound and a healed wound and the path in time between those two points.  I’m sure there is scientific research that corroborates the healing power of visualization.  I don’t have that data on hand (I encourage you to drudge it up if you feel you need proof), but I remember once being asked by a therapist to fast forward one year and imagine how I differently I might feel in the future as opposed to how I felt at the time of our session.  I had my eyes closed and I felt a little like I was in The Wizard of Oz, staring into a crystal ball and getting a very clear picture of what that future felt like.  Years later I can see that path in its entirety, the bridge from one year to the next.  So…the theme this week is endings or resolutions so that we may find the path of healing between those points, between wound and scab and new skin.  I selected a few classic films at random and watched the last few seconds of each.  Some are concluded with words, others only actions, but all fall somewhere on the path of healing, arriving at or towards a resolution.  
NOTE: Also most of these are too short to give much of the movie away, but a few may be spoilers, I apologize in advance and I hope it doesn’t dissuade you from watching the entire movie.  

To read your personal Tarotscope for your zodiac sign click HERE.