TAROTSCOPES for the week of 12/10/14


What a week it has been and will be! Monday and Tuesday were particularly potent.  Jupiter stationed on Monday, but as astrologer Anne Ortelee reminds us, we feel stations for 5 days before and 5 days after a planet “changes direction.”  Jupiter is now moving retrograde asking us to absorb teachings, expand our minds and our stomachs (it is the holidaze after all).  Jupiter is in the sign of Leo so there is even greater emphasis on exploring ourselves, our habitual and instinctual responses, why we do certain things, how certain people, situations, foods, weather etc effect us and in particular our egos.  Where has your ego gotten in the way of your truth?  What “universal truths” don’t hold up when taken to heart or adopted on an individual level?
Over the weekend a Full Moon in Gemini with a square to Chiron may have rattled some teeth, but ultimately asked us to return to the truth of our instincts and intuition and to not discount those truths just because they don’t present themselves in a tangible or “rational” form.  Emily Trinkaus wrote a lovely piece about this moon in her blog (read it here).
There is also a grand trine in fire encompassing Mercury, the Sun, Ceres, Venus (in Sagittarius) and Jupiter, Juno (in Leo) and Uranus, the South Node and Eris (in Aries).  Astrolger Anne Ortelee gives a wonderful explanation of what this means, but I will just add that this is an incredibly potent, passionate and transformative aspect so go easy!  Get some rest, make lists, recognize the myth of multitasking!  And as Anne says, we are going to be spending the first half of 2015 “cooking in these fires…so you might as well settle in for some heat!”
And finally…the much talked about Uranus-Pluto square, exact on Monday the 15th!  This is a generational aspect, but it has had 5 moments of culmination/ conversation and this will be the 6th (there will be one more in 2015).  I won’t say much more about it here as I discuss it in more detail under the card for the week…THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE!


Holiday specials available soon!  Consider purchasing a TAROTSCOPES subscription/ reading combination for your friends, enemies, lovers, and/ or haters. 


fires abound, echo of sound, going the great round, over the hills we bound, lost and found, hit the ground, pitchers mound, clothes by the pound, fox and the hound, all over town, class clown, wearing a frown, uranus-pluto square, by a hair, over there, show you care, what where, clothes tear, signs of wear, with others share, sit and stare, voices blare, full moon behind, ties that bind, being kind, please rewind, new roads to find, when to unwind, hearts, astrology charts, stars above, love x love,


Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all, for all the week (individual cards for the zodiac signs are pulled from the MOTHERPEACE deck):


It is difficult for me not to pull this card without seeing Pat Sajak leading a studio audience in chant of, “Wheel…of…Fortune!”  Unlike Pat Sajak, who I strongly suspect may be contractually obligated to sleep in tupperware, the Wheel of Fortune is about shifts in time.  As the world turns, as the hands go round the clock, things happen, sometimes by surprise like a flat tire, sometimes by design, like a taking your lunch break at noon.  The Wheel of Fortune reminds us to collaborate with the universe, synching your biological clocks and internal watches with universal time.  
On Monday, December 15th, as I mentioned before, Uranus in Aries will come to an exact square with Pluto in Capricorn for the 6th of 7 times in more than two years.  On a large scale, this moment supports making changes to the current structure/ system.  Uranus is the planet of sudden changes, innovation, flashes of insight and illumination and Pluto is the planet of transformation and power (in a nutshell).  Aries fuels Uranus’ abrupt and impulsive voice with fire.  Uranus in Aries is outspoken and insistent.  In Capricorn, Pluto focus’ its transformative powers on making changes to established structures.  When these two planets in these two signs talk, historic moments often follow as social and structural change is not only supported, but inevitable.
On an individual level this this transit may be felt as flashes of insight into changes you desire or need to make to the established or unconscious structures currently operating in your own life.  Uranus reminds of us of the importance of intuition and these sudden moments of illumination and understanding can help shift power away from feeling that we are just a victim of circumstance or a cog in the wheel… of fortune.  
There is a ripeness to this moment.  The Wheel of Fortune reminds us that we never work alone in the achievement of our goals.  Lots of things, people and weather come to our aid.  When I was a kid we used to play a game called, “What Time Is It Mr. Fox?”  The person who was the fox would stand with their back to the rest of us and we would shout, “What time is it Mr. Fox?”  And the Fox would say, “1 o’clock” or “5 o’clock”  and then everyone would take that many steps towards the Fox.  When everyone was finally lined up shoulder to shoulder with the fox, we would all ask, one last time, “What time is it Mr. Fox?”  And the fox would shout, “Midnight!”  Then we would explode in different directions as a game of tag erupted.  It was an incredibly exciting moment, even though you knew it was coming.  I find myself asking myself the same question these days:  “What time is it Mr. Fox?”  And it is always now.
(Stand- R.E.M.)


One photo rarely says everything about a place.  Sometimes it doesn’t seem to say anything about a place and is more reflective of the perspective of the photographer.  Below are your Tarotscopes for the week.  I came up with the following system as I was thinking about Jupiter stationing, “stopping” to go retrograde, which happened on Monday.  Besides Jupiter stopping, I was also thinking about each of us, as individuals, stopping to notice who and where we are.  I’ve seen concerns posted on various social medias that white people, in our efforts to support people of color, sometimes fail to reflect on our position, on where we stand, who we are standing with and what we are standing for.  So I was thinking of stopping or stationing as a moment of reflection, to look around at who and where you are, before you decide how you are best able to offer assistance to a movement.   
With my eyes closed I spun a globe and let my finger stop the globe at random places.  Then I did an image search for each of those locations.  These Tarotscopes are more a discussion of the photo than of the place because I’ve never been to any of these locations and I have no way of knowing whether or not the photo accurately portrays the location.  Some photos may say more about the person behind the photo than the image itself.

To read your personal Tarotscope for your zodiac sign click HERE.

TAROTSCOPES for the week of 12/04/14


Turbulent times often remind me of my grandfather's unique way of giving thanks before meals, "Thank you for the wind and rain and sun and stormy weather.  Thank you for the food we eat and that we are together."  It pointed out the way that all kinds of weather are in inextricable, the sun always appears to shine brighter following a storm and wind and rain precipitate change.   

I will discuss more of the astrological specifics below under the card for the week- The World!


Holiday specials available soon!  Consider purchasing a TAROTSCOPES subscription/ reading combination for your friends, enemies, lovers, and/ or haters. 


jupiter stations, state of the nations, taking vacations, running out of patience, full moon in gemini, heaving a sigh, give it a try, some lie, others die, asking why, part of the pie, oh hi, learn to fly, knots to untie, square to chiron, sounds like a siren, lord byron, solstice approaches, subject broaches, kicking out the cockroaches, on personal space encroaches, shine a light, take flight, one long night, what is right, second sight, stars above, all my love,


Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all, for all the week (individual cards for the zodiac signs are pulled from the MOTHERPEACE deck):


Astrologer, Rhea Wolf, quoted Arundhati Roy in her latest full-moon blog post saying, “Another world is not only possible, she is on her way.  On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”  Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year, is fast approaching.  Historically, in cold climates the Winter Solstice was a celebration, but also a prayer for strength in surviving the harsh winter.  Right now the Sun, Mercury and Venus are all in the fire sign of Sagittarius.  This week, Jupiter, Sagittarius’ ruling planet, stations in the fire sign of Leo before moving retrograde.  Jupiter is the planet of faith and hope (among other things).  Following the recent court decision not to indict the police officer who killed Eric Garner in New York, it is easy to feel defeated, to lose hope and faith in the future, especially since the decision comes on the heals of a similar injustice in the trial of Wilson in Ferguson.  Fire is the element associated with anger, an emotion injustice ignites.  Fire is fast and transformative.  Every flash of anger you feel can be added to the pyre of injustice and racial inequality.
Fire needs air to burn and on Saturday a Full Moon in the air sign of Gemini will square Chiron in Pisces (another planet whose traditional ruler is Jupiter) providing an opportunity to heal our wounds around loss of faith and hope.  The Mercurial signs (Gemini and Virgo) can, on a bad day, appear jaded and bitter and with Chiron (planet of wounds and healing) in the picture this tendency may be exaggerated.  Allow this Full Moon to illuminate the places where you have detached or disconnected from your emotions, perhaps as a previous instinctual act of self preservation, but which no longer serves that function and may only isolate us from one another and the world we want to create.  Now is the time to acknowledge the nuance of emotion and our own intuitive and collective wisdom allowing us to dream into existence a future we can all inhabit.  
Sagittarius season and Winter Solstice reminds us to believe and have faith that a new world is on the way.  And we have the opportunity to breathe life into that new world every time we take a stand against the old.  

(Change is Gonna Come- Aretha Franklin)

To read your personal Tarotscope for your zodiac sign click HERE. 

TAROTSCOPES for the week of 11/26/14


We are heading out of the deeply transformative waters of Scorpio and into Sagittarius where we have an opportunity to look at things from an aerial perspective.  Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter offering us an opportunity to set goals with optimism, to not expect negative outcomes just because we may have experienced a negative outcome in the past.  Saturn will remain in Scorpio into December which means that Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn are still in mutual reception (a housing swap) supporting changes and transformations around power and empowerment.  Now is a good time to emphasize structures which support our growth and evolution and to make changes to structures, situations, jobs, relationships where we feel trapped or are preventative of growth and evolution.


Stay tuned! <3


black lives matter, all lives matter, certain structures must shatter, plates clatter, lots of chatter, feet patter, clothes tatter, climbing of the ladder, getting madder, sagittarius season, rhyme and reason, parts of the country are freezing, an emotional season, acts of treason, lots of sneezing, know the history of the nation, jupiter soon will station, winter vacation, peace among your relations, lots of love, hearts, and astrology charts,


Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all, for all the week (individual cards for the zodiac signs are pulled from the MOTHERPEACE deck):


The Judgement card has a slightly different meaning depending on which tarot deck you are consulting.  I’ve mentioned this before when this card has come up at other times, but traditionally this card refers to “Judgement Day” when souls who have passed will be judged by their “Creator.”  Christians add to this interpretation that the “wicked” will be punished and the “good” rewarded.  In the Motherpeace deck this card is representative of a “moment of truth” when we are presented with an opportunity to look at ourselves with love and the courage to acknowledge everything we see.  In the Tantric Dakini Oracle deck, this card is called “Transformation” and suggests a spiritual awakening.  And in Aleister Crowley’s deck the card is called the Aeon and signals a return.  
We are once again approaching the Uranus-Pluto square, exact on December 15.  There has been lots of talk among astrologers about the Uranus-Pluto Square since it began in June of 2012.  This Uranus-Pluto cycle actually began in the mid 60s.  At that time Pluto and Uranus were in Virgo, now Pluto is in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries.  This aspect, in these signs is very much about transforming authority, changing power structures, who holds and wields power, by taking action, by demonstrating our anger and outrage when power is abused.  Most of the time in astrology you are given a choice, to work with the planets and stars or to ignore them.  The Uranus-Pluto Square is a tool we can use.  It supports the power of the individual (Aries) to hold accountable structures of power when and where those systems fail.  
When the verdict in the trial of officer Darren Wilson was announced I watched from Colombia.  Social media was my only window to how people in the U.S. were responding to and experiencing this event.  I’ve noticed on more than one occasion that when injustices occur many people in a position of power or privilege feel it is their duty to determine whether the arguments of those who are being treated unfairly are valid.  They think it is their job to judge the situation from their own perspective, which we know is privileged.  In high school during a heated discussion about abortion, my friend’s brother, a white, straight man, said, “I don’t still don’t know how I feel about abortion.”  I replied, “No one’s asking you how you feel about it, we are asking you to support our right to choose.”  I noticed a similar response following the trial of Wilson.  There were white people who seemed to think it was important to say things like, “I still don’t know about this particular case, but I do think there is a problem with racism in our criminal justice system…” as if they were being asked to judge the case themselves.  Another tactic I’ve observed is a tendency to want to “other” people like Wilson, to emphasize that he is a racist as a way to make it clear that other white people are not racists.  I think it is important as a white person not to retreat into the safety of thinking, “Well, I’m not a racist.”  Racism is embedded in this country and we have an opportunity not only to work towards dismantling the racism inherent in our judicial system, but also within ourselves.  Recent events have served as “a moment of truth” where we can really look at ourselves, as a country and as individuals and have the courage to admit we’ve been wrong.  Janee Woods wrote the following piece, “Becoming a White Ally to Black People in the Aftermath of the Michael Brown Murder,” which is helpful for white people interested in constructive ways of supporting people of color.  Please feel free to post other articles you have found particularly insightful in the comments section Tarotscopes.
(Mississippi Goddamn- Nina Simone)


To read your personal Tarotscope for your zodiac sign click HERE. 

TAROTSCOPES for the week of 11/19/14


I’m so excited to be embarking on the next leg of this journey.  Thank you for meeting me here.  Below you will find the general card for the week as well as the music mix.  To read your individual Tarotscope by sign, go to http://mwtarotscopes.com (if you are not already there) and click on the rather enticing pink button on the left which says, “Weekly Tarotscopes Subscription.”  You will then be directed to choose your preferred subscription option.  Thank you again for your support and participation.  

I discuss the most glaring astrological transits and aspects below under the general card for the week.  In addition we will also have a New Moon in Sagittiarius on Saturday the 22nd.  This is a particularly good New Moon to make wishes on because Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, planet of gifts and luck.  The Sun, the Moon and Venus will all be in Sagittarius squaring Neptune, which, as I mention below can add an element of delusion or optical illusion to the picture.  It isn’t necessarily a good time to go out and get what you want, but it is a good time to think about what it is you want in a general sense.  You probably have at least a few of what I call “seed-starters” in your life, those are things that you feel pretty unclouded about.  For example my dog is a seed-starter of love, I can think about how much I love my dog and then at the New Moon say, “I’d like to expand on that please.”  Sagittarius invites us all to ask ourselves what we’d like to expand on and grow into. 


Just a reminder:

Dearest friends of TAROTSCOPES,

I’ve been pleased to bring you your Tarotscope on a weekly basis for more than two years.  The time has come to make a change.  Rather than abandon this project I deeply love, I’ve made a decision I hope will ensure it’s longevity.  With your support I can continue to bring you weekly insights into the cards and stars.  The music mixes as well as the general card for the week will continue to be open to the public.  Your individual Tarotscopes will now be available for a small fee.  I’m excited to see Tarotscopes evolve with the added energy and focus I will now be able to bring to it.  Thank you so much for supporting and participating in this deeply fulfilling work over the last few years, now and in the future.

To book a reading with me you can now click on the tabs above or follow the directions under FAQ.  Your feedback is greatly appreciated and deeply considered (mwtarotscopes@gmail.com)!


new moon wishes, last of the dishes, basketball through the hoop swishes, don't be vicious, this dish is delicious, venus squares neptune, call of the loon, silver spoon, the right rune, sing a new tune, think back to the month of june, keep your feet on the ground, walk all the way around, pitchers mound, bark of the hound, that grumbling sound, clothes by the pound, lost and found, a night on the town, send in the clowns, upside down frowns, astrology charts, deepest love and biggest hearts,


Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all, for all the week (individual cards for the zodiac signs are pulled from the MOTHERPEACE deck):


It is interesting that the card for the week is a Wands card, which suggests the element of fire, because many of the weeks aspects are rather watery, in nature and feeling.  The most pressing at the moment is Venus’ square to Neptune which will happen tomorrow (November 20th).  This aspect can elicit a very pleasant feeling, both dreamy and loving, but it also has a tendency to support delusion.  It’s the old “rose-colored glasses syndrome” or the “no-glasses syndrome,” since there is a tendency to gloss over details and only absorb the general shape of something.  Barry Perlman of Astrobarry.com said, in his discussion of the upcoming Venus aspects entitled, “A Very different Venus” that while this aspect can open up a sense of compassion for others it can also “inspire us to sacrifice our own interests on behalf of someone else, to deny the faults or failures in another person.”  
The other thing I’d like to add to this bubbling brew is Chiron’s station to go direct on Sunday in Pisces, which we are likely to feel for 5 days on either side of Sunday- so right now, as we speak and also next week.  If you’ve been feeling defeated, depressed, sensitive and/or lonely then you are likely already experiencing the effects of this aspect.  So…don’t give up on your dreams or abandon plan A for plan B for at least two more weeks (to be on the safe side).  With the Venus-Neptune square you might find yourself saying, “But plan B isn’t so bad.”  But I would urge you not to make any decisions that end with the conclusion, “It wasn’t so bad,” unless you are having dental surgery or something similar.  Chiron shows us our wounds and in Pisces the wounds are often around feeling that we can’t get what we want, that our dreams are impossible or impractical.  But the inventors of the halogen lamp and the telephone were both Pisces.  Indulging Piscean dreams can be quite fruitful and Chiron wants to help you see where you are holding yourself back from that achievement, by which thoughts or old memories.  
Another uncomfortable issue that Chiron in Pisces can bring up are feelings of alienation.  Again, Chiron brings these things to your attention for examination.  This can cause you to fall back on the delusions of the Venus-Neptune square, a desire to cling to the comfort of the familiar even if it no longer serves you.  No matter what, at some point in the story we all have to go into the castle alone.  But a few friendly faces or words of encouragement can do a lot to bolster your confidence at the door…something the 2 of Wands provides.   
The 2 of Wands is about recognizing your power to effect change, particularly within your own life which is an excellent place to start.  This week, if you find yourself wallowing in despair consider making a list of your achievements to date, even if the list only includes practical details like having trimmed your toe nails.  The other day my friend was visiting my apartment and she said, “Who built these shelves?”  I paused for a second as the realization hit me. “I did!” I said proudly.  They are nothing fancy, but they were built by my own two hands and they look exactly the way I imagined them.  Your turn.  What have you created along the way with your own two hands that you may have forgotten about?  You did it then and you will undoubtedly do it again.  
(Dancing in the Dark- Bruce Springsteen)

To read your personal Tarotscope for your zodiac sign click HERE. 

TAROTSCOPES for the week of 11/13/14


This is a big week astrologically speaking and also for Tarotscopes.  I will discuss the changes for Tarotscopes in more detail under my NEWS section.  Astrologically, we have already encountered several interesting and rather major transits.  Monday featured a powerful Mars/ Pluto conjunction, an aspect which can be volatile, but which also provides energy for overcoming emotional obstacles or ideas that prevent us from embracing our desires and accomplishing our goals. A Mars/ Pluto conjunction is fearless determination, or at least determination which may appear to others as fearless, but actually the fears were probably still present but you refused to allow them to stop you (even braver).    
Mars went on to square Uranus on Wednesday.  This is a “drive carefully” aspect, literally.  I hope everyone weathered it safely.  This is also an aspect that wakes the sleepwalker.  You may suddenly say, “What am I doing?” or “Where am I?”  or “How did I get here?”  The answers to these questions aren’t as important as the realization you may have awoken to which was likely, “Life’s too short!”  Let’s do what we came here to do.   
Also on Wednesday, Venus joined Saturn asking you to make a commitment to your passion or love.  I discuss this aspect more under the card for the week so I won’t go on and on about it, but I will say that this aspect gets a bad rap.  Why?  Probably because Saturn gets a bad rap for being responsible, hardworking, the planet of lessons etc.  I get how this can sound like a major downer when you are talking about love, but love is, cheesy as it may sound, one of the greatest teachers of all.  You can’t have a conversation with love without learning something.  Love is also vulnerability and to be entrusted with someone’s love, with their vulnerability requires a sense of responsibility.  So actually Saturn and Venus can work quite well as a team.  1+1= 2, and the square root of 6 is 2.449489742783178…what? Exactly. 
Okay….moving on….


Dearest friends of TAROTSCOPES,

I’ve been pleased to bring you your Tarotscope on a weekly basis for more than two years.  The time has come to make a change.  Rather than abandon this project I deeply love, I’ve made a decision I hope will ensure it’s longevity.  With your support I can continue to bring you weekly insights into the cards and stars.  The music mixes as well as the general card for the week will continue to be open to the public.  Your individual Tarotscopes will now be available for a small fee.  I’m excited to see Tarotscopes evolve with the added energy and focus I will now be able to bring to it.  Thank you so much for supporting and participating in this deeply fulfilling work over the last few years, now and in the future.

venus and saturn together, in all kinds of weather, light as a feather, boots of leather, neptune stations direct, dreams to resurrect, songs infect, emotions collect, slightly weepy, also sleepy, thats creepy, felt deeply, standing in your power, change is in the tower, milk has gone sour, no longer cower, top of the hour, fresh starts, even parts, love and hearts,


Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all, for all the week (individual cards for the zodiac signs are pulled from the MOTHERPEACE deck):


This is a very passionate week, astrologically speaking.  The Sun squares Jupiter today (Thursday), Sunday Neptune stations direct and Venus enters Sagittarius.  The card I pulled for all of us aboard the astral plane is the Knight of Wands.  The Knight of Wands is courageous, but not as impulsive as the Page of Wands tends to be.  His courage comes from acknowledging his desires and recognizing that his deepest desires originate from the most authentic version of himself (not because he saw a commercial for McDonalds and now he’s craving french fries).  
Earlier this week (Wednesday) Venus met with Saturn in the sign of Scorpio asking the question: what are you prepared to commit to…for the next 29 years (because Saturn will not return to its current position until then)?  That may sound like a long time to stick with something, especially for those energized by change.  But commitment doesn’t have to imply stagnation, in fact, it usually implies the opposite.  When I was a kid I remember a moment when I was playing a game by myself and I thought, “This is fun, I’m so glad I get to spend my life with me.”  Years later I married myself on my 30th birthday.  In all honesty there were moments of cold feet before the ceremony (conducted by Amy von Harrington).  But if you don’t commit to yourself then you can’t really commit to life, because like it or not it is you, with whom you will spend every moment of your life.  At least this is what I told myself on my wedding day.  On Wednesday, as I was driving and enjoying my own company, Shania Twain’s “You’re Still The One” came on the radio, which felt like a synchronicity because it had also played on the eve of my last birthday.  And I had the same thought then, that I’m still the one.  
The Knight of Wands does not fear commitment to his own desires, because he knows that they come from an honest commitment to being himself and to participating in the world in which he lives.  You exist!  You are here!  As my grandfather used to say, “You matter.  You are matter.”
(Don’t Falter At The Alter- Cab Calloway)

To read your personal Tarotscope for your zodiac sign click HERE.